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Supporting the Museum

Annual Memberships

Annual Family Membership $65

Annual Individual Membership  $45

Annual Senior Family Membership $55

Annual Senior Individual Membership  $40

Friends of the Museum: Donation of $250

Museum Patron: Minimum Donation of $500

Annual Non-Profit Membership $25

Annual Business Membership  $200

Your Membership Choice

Annual Building Sponsorship

Your name will be engraved on a plaque & be placed on the building for the year.

 Museum Church  $300  Banner Cabin  $300
 General Store  $300  Hunting Cabin  $300
 Huckins School  $300  Houndtown Cabin  $300
 Depot  $300  Blacksmith Shop  $300
 Barn Theatre  $300  Decker Log Barn  $300
 Carriage Barn  $300  Hearse Shed  $300
 Dairy Barn  $300  Privy  $300
 Ward Cottage  $300  Aitken House  $300
Building Sponsorships - $300
The Name To Be Engraved

(Please specify the name you would like engraved on the sponsorship plaque)

Annual Room Sponsorship

For the first time, you can sponsor a room inside the 1872 Loop-Harrison Mansion.

Your name will be engraved on a plaque & be placed on the doorway entrance of the room for the year.

 North Parlor  $150  South Parlor  $150
 Dr's Office  $150  Dining Room  $150
 Jane's Bedroom  $150  Ada's Bedroom  $150
 The Nautical History Exhibit  $150  The Military History Exhibit  $150
 Fred's Bedroom  $150  The Medical Hisotry Exhibit  $150
 Tub Room  $150
Room Sponsorships - $150
The Name To Be Engraved

(Please specify the name you would like engraved on the sponsorship plaque)

Individuals and Businesses may also sponsor events such as Family Fun Day; Christmas Open House & Lighted Trail; Plaidurday; Farming, Hunting, & Fishing Weekend; The Native American Pow Wow; The Wine Tasting; or The Haunted Village events. Contact the Museum for details.

Volunteers, Guides, Docents, Interpreters, Volunteer your talents and time, "On Stage or Back Stage." Please Contact us.

Memberships or Sponsorships can be arranged any time the museum is open, at the gate or in the office, or you may mail a check with your name and information to:

Sanilac County Historic Village & Museum
228 S. Ridge St.
PO Box 158
Port Sanilac, MI 48469